Volume 16, Issue 1 (2024)                   Iran J War Public Health 2024, 16(1): 49-60 | Back to browse issues page



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1- Department of Civics Education, Faculty of Social Sciences and Sports Education, PGRI University Semarang, Semarang, Indonesia
2- Department of Physical Education, Faculty of Social Sciences and Sports Education, PGRI University Semarang, Semarang, Indonesia
* Corresponding Author Address: Department of Civics Education, Faculty of Social Sciences and Sports Education, PGRI University Semarang, Jl Sidodadi Timur no.24, Semarang, Indonesia. Postal Code: 50232 (maryanto@upgris.ac.id)
Abstract   (434 Views)
Aims: This study aimed to look into the scientific literature's shifting position on the right to health and human rights-based approaches to health among Indonesian war veterans.
Information & Methods: This systematic review examined the global literature on the right to health or human rights-based approaches to war veterans' health. PRISMA guidelines for Grant and Booth typology of reviews as systematic reviews. Indonesian veterans uphold several of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights principles in their constitution and even use them in medicine. Literature studies use qualitative methods and a constructivist theoretical approach to gather data from books, reports, news articles, and journal articles.
Findings: There were notable variations in how human rights frameworks and procedures are implemented for war veterans in the medical field. There were compelling reasons to approach health from a human rights standpoint, but as examining various human rights guidelines demonstrated, doing so risks undermining the right to health. Undermining the right to health jeopardized the right to health and rights-based approaches to health because the right to health had significant and distinct characteristics that other rights did not.
Conclusion: To ensure the realization of the right to health, the state must be responsible and involve all relevant stakeholders, including the general public and non-governmental organizations.